Project Overview

Paulding County is working with its residents and community stakeholders to further the County’s goal to "provide a safe transportation system for all users" by embarking on the Paulding County Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP). Funded in-part through the United States Department Of Transportation's Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program, the Paulding County CSAP serves as an important step for affecting positive and significant change in roadway safety, with a focus on reducing and eliminating serious injury and fatal crashes. Through data analysis and community input, the CSAP will identify roadway safety issues and recommend projects and strategies that address the most significant safety risks in Paulding County.

We Need Your Help!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Joint Open House on Tuesday, October 29th for the CSAP and Major Corridors Study! If you were unable to attend, please visit the Public Meeting Activities page in order to provide your input on the plan via an interactive mapping exercise! You can also review the materials that were presented at the meeting on the Project Resources page.

Current Engagement Opportunities

Missed the public meeting? You can still give your input on the map! We are also recruiting for focus groups – click the links below to participate!