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Project Overview

The City of South Fulton is reimagining three catalytic sites located at Roosevelt Hwy/Red Oak, South Fulton Pkwy/Cedar Grove Rd, and the Old National District. This initiative will analyze land use at the sites and will result in master plans and redevelopment strategies, design guidelines, and development regulations that focus on Smart Growth Principles.

Stakeholder and public participation play a crucial role in the development of these plans. The City of South Fulton will work collaboratively with residents and stakeholders to develop consensus on a unifying vision.

Our goals for community engagement are to:

  • Be inclusive and representative
  • Encourage broad participation
  • Hear from traditionally underserved members of the community
  • Generate meaningful feedback, and
  • Build relationships that will support action once the plans are completed.

Meet Us at a Meeting

As part of these efforts, the City of South Fulton will host a series of community engagement opportunities including multiple visioning workshops, a design workshop, and a final open house. Check back here for details on the next opportunity.

Document Library

View and download presentations from previous community meetings.

Visioning Meeting Series

Community Design Session

We Need Your Help

Help us identify opportunities to improve the sites and let us know your priorities through our engagement activities below! The study areas are:

  • Old National District
  • Red Oak District, and
  • Cedar Grove District.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project? Or do you want to submit your feedback in writing? Email us!

Name Jen Price